Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nail Art and Competitions

Okay, so I am on a serious revival-of-my-skill, journey, as a nail tech...or should I say, nail artist, that's what I want to be referred to as. I'm gona step it up a few notches!

Lately all I can do is sit on the computer and watch YouTube videos of "how-to" tutorials on various nail art methods...there are tons!!!! Where do I begin?

First, I need to update my supply of nail art products.  This means more acrylic, more gel...all colors, all glitters.  This means new brushes.  This means a variety of acrylic paint and brushes for that too...and a bunch of other stuff I want to make this a more successful journey, if you will...this means I need more $$$, lol.

I'm going to have to take it one step at a time a little bit of this now and little bit of that later.

There's so many nail art options out there.  One, that I always thought would be an impossibility to me was hand-painted art. This, I'm learning, is actually something I CAN do and do it very well...of course with a lot of practice and teaching videos, this will be accompished.

My mind is racing!!! I have so many ideas and I can't wait to show them to you and showcase my art.

Another thing I am going to pursue is nail competitions.  These are vital in the success of any nail artists' career.

I've been doing nails since '93 and I have only competed once.  I think it may have been circa 1996???  I actually did well, placing fourth out of 26 competitors...not bad for my first time.  My new goal is to win the Nailpro Cup within the next seven years!  That is like the Superbowl for the nail industry.  With that honor comes an invitation only, admission to the international nail competitions in Dusseldorf, Germany.  Only ONE competitor from each country competes for the title...pretty cool, huh?

So I have ignited a new flame and I am super excited to learn new techniques and practice, practice, practice...

...Wish me blessings!

Below are photos of other nail artists' work...this is what I aspire to become...

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