Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to School

WOW, it's that time of the year again.  Like christmas, it always seems to sneek up on me and especially ths year.  My kids got out of school on June 8 and are returning August 16!  On June 8th, August 16th couldn't have come quicker for me but now that it is almost here, I am not ready.

Now you're probably thinking, "Is she are going back to school, your freedom is back!"  Well that may be so but honestly, I hate the routine.  I'm not a "routine" kinda girl.  I don't like schedules.  During the summer, the kids can pretty much go to bed whenever they wanted and woke up whenever they wanted.  Now it's back to setting the alarms for the morning, taking showers, eating breakfast and making lunches...all before 8am!

Then comes after comes the routine again...snacks, homework, dinner, activites, bedtime...phew!

Also, school starting two weeks earlier than usual means having all thier supplies and some new clothes.  I don't go nuts in the beginning of the year with clothing purchases.  That comes over time, not all at once in our household.

So the easy-going days of summer has come to an end, enter the hectic routines of the school year.  Let's not even try to think about the fact that Christmas is FOUR MONTHS AWAY!!!  I gotta start thinking about

No worries, though.  Just like everthing else in life, the storm comes and goes.  For me that means, I will eventually succomb to the routine again and become it's friend and not it's enemy...I will become used to it all over again, as I do every year in August.

Now the fun part...this season's fashion trends.  Below are some trends I've been seeing for the upcoming Fall season..have fun and remember, don't stress...really, I'm not stressin. :-)

These are some of the top Fall trends, straight from Fashion Week 2010 in New York City...

                                                              Eccentric Ladylike

Urban Warrior

Conservative Glamour

Great Outdoors

Bohemian Rhapsody

Stay tuned for an enitre post devoted to Fall denim trends, comin your pair of jeggings yet?