Thursday, October 27, 2011

Embarking on the Pre-Teen Attitude

*sigh* ... Requested a kiss good-bye, from my 11 yr old & what I got was something more like a head-butt :-/
When did a smooch from me become an unacceptable endeavor? Now, I totally would get this concept if I had say, attempted this in public or in front of friends but c'mon, really? At home, in the kitchen, has now become off limits to the love fest I wish to bestow upon my children?

I have only entered into the first stage of this descent into abandonment. I can say I'm slightly getting used to it, however I know there's more to come.  For years, I've been taking surveys from parents who have experienced this realm into the abyss, taking mental notes on what to expect. The results have been more positive than I expected but still, none-the-less, a hard pill to swallow.

Reflecting on the behavior of my 3yo and how easily she excepts unlimited amounts of kisses, hugs and even the occasional lick (don't get it twisted people, I mean like a dog... she gives out puppy-kisses and I gladly reciprocate). Hearing words like " I love you " on a constant basis or the rushing of the door when you finally come home after being gone for more than an hour. I am more wise to not take these moments for granted.

Survey says that although this period can be trying, it is only a phase and eventually it ends and they return to you with gratitude...usually. I can only pray for continued wisdom in how to deal with these people patiently, all the while still nurturing and loving them.

I do have this little bit of advice: cease every moment you can, do not take them or the moment for granted! For example, my 9yo daughter has recently requested that, while she's showering, that I would "scrub" her hair.  It was a novelty at first but after a few times, quite frankly, it was a burden for me...but I quickly changed my perception of the request.  I now gladly (even though it may not be convenient) fulfill her request, each and every time because it really is the little things they remember and cherish the most, right?

So what's your advice?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Them Roudy Boys...

Boys are a little more wilder than girls... Mix that wildness in a 5'x6 bouncy and what you got is a little girl wanting NOTHING to do with it! Lol

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Fashion 2011!

Hey there...OMG, this is my first post for 2011!  What a great time to begin though, after all Spring is all about new beginnings. Everything is coming back to life and it's time for us to do the same.  Get outta of the house and go for walks to the parks or to your local ice cream shoppe....the smell of freshly cut grass (that's my fav), birds singing in the morning...and fun Spring fashion!

I want to share a few of the trends that are hot this season. So if you've got cabin fever and you're ready to shop...well then, here it goes...

Who Said Neutrals are Boring?
The trend is all about neutral, neutral, neutral with pops of color.  Imagine this, white on cream: white top & bottom, paired with a cream jacket, add a splash of color like a yellow necklace or red shoes or maybe a green purse.  But don't do all three, only pick one to accent as color.

Who wears Short Shorts?
Lets talk shorts, I personally don't like them but that's because I'm not a fan of my legs but if you don't mind showing them off, shorts are very in for Spring. Any length of shorts are acceptable just keep in mind, don't go too short. Keep it age appropriate, if your 45 wearing Daisy Dukes (regardless of how good you may look in them) you'll give off the perception of trying "too hard" to stay young and that's actually NOT flattering!

Here's the rule for shorts, whatever length skirt you're comfortable wearing should be the length of shorts you wear also.

Happy Prints
Prints, prints, prints and more prints...all together at once.  Yes anything goes with this style, however keep the colors of each piece in the same family, so that it's not too overwhelming.

High-Wasted Jeans
So, some of us really resented the fact that for the past 10 years or so, low-rise jeans were in.  If your mid section was anything less than Jillian Michael's, there was some serious issues going on there.  WELL BEHOLD BECAUSE HIGH-WASTED JEANS ARE SERIOUSLY HERE THIS SEASON!! Yep, that 70's-inspired look is back this season and boy are we grateful, lol! Tuck in a pretty blouse and add some wedges and you got yourself one serious, slim look going on!

So these are just a few of the trends going on here this Spring.  Do some Spring cleaning and shopping and get on these so that you're the hippest, chic chick out there!